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16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity

Window Period. N/A

Sample(s) required. Blood, urine, respiratory secretions (such as sputum or nasal swabs), and tissue samples

Biological Marker. RNA

Time for test results. Within 7 working days

Cost of test. £250 (inc. consultation)

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test is a diagnostic test that is used to identify the specific type of bacteria causing an infection, especially when other tests return negative.

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and detect bacteria’s genetic material (RNA). It can identify the presence of bacterial RNA even at very low levels.

If the test is positive, further steps will be taken to manage the infection.

Results are available within 7 working days.

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The Process


In order to be most prepared and leave plenty of time for questions & discussions, we will ask you to fill out a simple questionnaire.


We will begin by assessing your medical & sexual history, any symptoms you may be experiencing and discuss any questions you may have.

Sample collection

If it is still appropriate to proceed with the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test (and you would like to), we will require the appropriate swab.


If your results are positive, we can offer you treatment and advice.

We follow guidelines set by

Medicine is a complicated subject and sometimes these guidelines don’t always hold the answers.

For example, treating an STI in a patient who has developed a resistance to routinely used antibiotics.

Unlike most private clinics, we have medical consultants here to help you navigate through such problems and get you on the right track in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

About The Test

What is the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of bacterial RNA in your body. It helps identify the specific type of bacteria causing an infection, especially when other tests return negative.

How does the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test work?

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test test uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and detect bacteria's genetic material (RNA). It can identify the presence of bacterial RNA even at very low levels.

When should I have the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

Your clinician may recommend the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test to determine the exact type of bacteria causing your infection. This test is commonly used for diagnosing bacterial respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and other bacterial infections.

What samples can you use for the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test can be performed on various types of samples, including blood, urine, respiratory secretions (such as sputum or nasal swabs), and tissue samples. The specific sample required depends on the suspected site of infection.

How do I prepare for my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

Usually, there are no special preparations are required for the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test. However, it is always a good idea to follow any instructions your clinician provides. Inform your clinician about any medications, antibiotics, or dietary supplements you are currently taking. Some medicines can affect the accuracy of the test results.

Are there any potential risks or complications associated with the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

The 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test is a safe and low-risk test with no significant complications reported.

What are the limitations of the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

While it can be a useful tool in detecting bacterial infections, there is a possibility of false-positive or false-negative results.

False-positives can happen if the test detects bacterial RNA from non-pathogenic bacteria or if there is contamination during sample collection or processing.

False-negatives can occur if the amount of bacterial RNA in the sample is too low for the test to detect.

Are there any alternative tests to consider to the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

If you suspect that you might have a bacterial infection, there are a few different tests that your clinician might recommend. Ultimately, the most appropriate test for you will depend on your specific symptoms, medical history, and the suspected site of infection.

Can pregnant women safely undergo the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

Pregnant women can safely undergo the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test. It does not pose any specific risks to the mother or the baby. However, informing your clinician if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant is always essential.

Can children undergo the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

If a child needs to undergo the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test, the sample collection process may vary depending on their age and cooperation levels. The clinician will be able to guide on the best approach for collecting the sample from the child.

Are there any dietary restrictions before or after the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

There are no specific dietary restrictions before or after the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test. You can continue with your regular diet.

How long should I wait before having the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

If you have recently taken antibiotics, it is recommended to wait at least 48 to 72 hours before having the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test. Antibiotics can potentially interfere with the accuracy of the test, so it is important to give your body enough time to clear them from your system.

Is my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test confidential?


Everything you share with us is confidential and will not be shared with the NHS or any other healthcare provider, including your GP unless you specifically ask us to do so.

About The Results

How will I receive my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test results?

You can receive your 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test results by either text or email.

What precautions do I need to take whilst waiting for my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test results?

While waiting for your 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test results, it is important to continue practicing good hygiene.

What do the results of my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test mean?

A positive result indicates that the targeted bacteria was detected in your sample, which suggests an active infection.

A negative result means that the bacteria was not detected, indicating the absence of an active infection. Keep in mind that regardless of your test results, it's important to continue practising good hygiene

What happens if my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test is positive?

Your clinician will arrange a follow up call to discuss your treatment options. It is important to follow the advice given regarding further treatment and precautions to prevent the spread of the infection to others. Remember to continue practising good hygiene regardless of your test results.

Will medications I am currently taking affect my 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test results?

Medications you are currently taking should not affect the results of your 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test. However, it is always a good idea to inform your clinician about any medications you are taking, as they can provide specific instructions or considerations based on your situation.

Will I need to repeat the 16S rRNA Bacterial Gene Detection & Sensitivity test?

Whether or not you will need to repeat the test will depend on your individual circumstances. Your clinician will consider factors such as your symptoms, medical history, and initial test results to determine the best course of action.

Next Steps 

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Reviewed by: Mrs Magadelana Nowacka

Last reviewed date: 19 January 2024
Next review due: 19 January 2027

Whilst this content is written and reviewed by sexual health specialists, it is for general guidance only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your clinician.

References & Further Reading