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Hyfrecation Aftercare

Personal Hygiene

You may shower on the following day after your procedure, and then daily as usual. Please keep the operated site clean with the wipes given to you (twice daily for 5 days).

You should practice saltwater bathing for three days to promote skin healing.

You should avoid shaving and trimming your genitals until your skin has healed.

Those who have had Genital warts or Molloscum contagiosum removed should not shave their genitals until 12 weeks have passed. You are allowed to gently trim.


You are able to return to work on the same day unless your work is physically demanding.

Pain Relief

You may take simple painkillers (e.g. paracetamol) for a couple of days to reduce any discomfort.


Hyfrecation will not affect your ability to travel or go on holiday. 


Avoid strenuous exercise for a few days until the lesions have scabbed and dried.

You can resume gentle exercise, cycling, and swimming once the lesions have healed, if you feel comfortable to do so.


We recommend that you abstain from sexual contact and masturbation until the lesions have healed completely (approx. 2 weeks).


You may be given a course of antibiotics to prevent any potential infection. If you have been prescribed antibiotics, please complete the course as instructed by your clinician during your appointment. If you have any questions regarding your antibiotics, please request a follow up call.

Normal vs Not Normal

  • It is normal for the operative site to be left open and require no dressing.
  • Occasionally a small amount of blood may ooze from the treated area in the first 24 hours. This is managed by the application of a gauze piece.
  • It is normal to develop redness around the treated area. This should subside in a few days.
  • It is normal for the operative site to take 1-2 weeks to heal. This can vary from person to person.
  • It is normal to experience scabbing. Once healed, you may notice that the skin is pale. This will fade and blend with the rest of your skin over a few days.
  • It is rare for bleeding to occur from areas treated with hyfrecation.
      • If the bleeding is heavy and not stopping despite the application of gauze and pressure, you should immediately seek advice from the clinic or attend A&E.
  • It is not normal for there to be any overwhelming redness, swelling, and pain. These are signs of an infection. You should seek advice from the clinic or your GP.

Dos & Dont’s

  • Do wear loose fitting underpants after the procedure.
  • Do keep the area clean with the wipes provided.
  • Do take pain relief medication (e.g. paracetamol) if you feel that you need it.
  • Do take a salt-water bath (common salt + lukewarm water) for three days to promote skin healing. This needs to be washed away with plain water afterwards.

Salt-water bathing reduces the soreness and also produces a local soothing effect.

  • Do not pick at the scars – this will increase the risk of infection, and recovery time.
  • Do not use shower gel directly on the procedure site during the healing period. You may use these on the rest of your body. Please avoid bubble baths until your skin has healed.
  • Do not resume sexual contact or masturbation until the areas have healed completely (approx. 2 weeks).
  • Do not worry if any lesions have been left out in the first visit, we can touch this up for you during the next session.
  • Do not shave or trim your genitals until your skin has healed. Those who have had Genital warts or Molloscum contagiosum removed should not shave their genitals until 12 weeks have passed. You are allowed to gently trim.



Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect after my appointment?

You may experience a little soreness at the operated site. This is completely normal and standard painkillers will help with this.

Will I require a follow up appointment after my appointment?

All patients are offered a follow-up appointment (at no extra charge) within 4-6 weeks after their procedure. This is to ensure that all the lesions have been treated and that you are happy with the procedure.

What if lesions have been missed in the initial procedure?

If any lesions are missed during the initial procedure, they will be treated in the follow-up appointment.

What do I do if I think I have a problem after the appointment?

We recommend all patients have a thorough read of the information above as it will help with key questions.

If you think that something is wrong, please request a follow up call by contacting our clinic.

How soon after my appointment can I have sex?

It is advised to abstain from sex and avoid masturbation until healing is complete (approx. 2 week). Having intercourse during the healing process can increase the risk of infection, scarring and bleeding.

Can I have Hyfrecation again in the future?

It is safe to have lesions treated with Hyfrecation if they reoccur or if you develop new lesions in other areas. Assessment of such lesions, whether recurrent or new, will be charged as a new case.

And if you need a little more

Repeat Medications

If you are seeking repeat medications, you can complete the following form to speed up the process.

Follow Up Discussion

If you have any concerns after your procedure, we can arrange a follow up discussion with a clinician without delay.

Further visits

If you require a further visit, this will be discussed with you in the appointment. Please follow the link below to request one.